Did you spend time in Quarriers Homes as a child?

You can apply to take part in Time to be Heard

‘Time to be Heard’ is a Pilot Forum that will give up to 100 survivors and other former residents in Quarriers the chance to describe what it was like to be in care as children and the impact of that experience on their lives. Time to be Heard is confidential and the identity of those who take part will not be made public.

The Scottish Government has given funding and is helping with the preparations for this pilot forum. But Time to be Heard will be independent of government, with the Chair, Tom Shaw, and one of two Commissioners, Anne Carpenter and Kathleen Marshall, listening to each participant individually and with understanding and respect. Everyone who decides to take part will be offered support, help and advice before, during and after their involvement in Time to be Heard.

Time to be Heard will start from 17 May 2010 and will run for at least three months in central Glasgow at a confidential location. But if you are an older person, or ill, or have other reasons why you can’t travel, arrangements will be made to visit you. Travel costs will be paid for those who take part and for up to two supporters who can come with them.

Time to be Heard is a pilot forum that will test out how useful this approach could be. A report on Time to be Heard, including a record of what the participants say about their experiences and what taking part meant for them, will be available early in 2011.

If you take part you will be helping to improve things for children who are in care now and for adults who were in care as children in the past.

An information pack will be available from 7 April 2010.

Please phone 0131 244 3633 or 0131 244 3214 or write to the SurvivorScotland team, Area 2ER, St Andrews House, Edinburgh EH1 3DG. You can also download a pack from the SurvivorScotland website at

The closing date for applications is 30 April 2010.