The very informal proceedings will begin at 2.00 p.m when the CLA Executive and staff will all introduce themselves.  There will then a short presentation by the chair, Will McMahon, followed by a tea break after which everyone will be invited to take part in one of three workshops.  The subjects of these workshops have been decided by the results of the pole on the front page of our website and we can now tell you that the topics chosen for discussion will be on The Criminal Justice System, The Needs of Adult Care Leavers and Education.   

After the workshops, which will last around forty minutes, the Annual General Meeting will take place during which only CLA members present will be able to vote on the eight candidates standing for election onto the Executive for 2010/2011.  (Please note that all care leavers, whether members of the CLA or not, are more than welcome to be at the meeting). This will only take a short while, twenty minutes at the most, allowing anyone wishing to do so to then carry on socializing at a cafe nearby.

If anyone would like to come along earlier, you can bring your lunch and join the CLA Executive between 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. You will be very welcome. The CLA will provide cups of tea and coffee and some snacks.

We hope that as many of you as possible can come along. These occasions are very relaxed and provide care leavers with the opportunity to meet up, chat and share experiences. 

Learn more about the event by reading a message from Will McMahon, Chair of the CLA, using the following link: Letter From Chair