New Starters
We here at the CLA would like to announce new additions to the staff team. David Graham has now joined us as our National Director (replacing Victoria Hull, who left us at the end of June). David has over 15 years experience working in the health and social care field and was previously Assistant Director at Big Life Centres in Manchester. Thanks to new funding, we have also been able to add 2 new exciting project posts to the organisation. Clare Edge joins us as Young Person’s Project Worker and Deputy Director. Clare has extensive knowledge of the issues facing young people in care and leaving care. She previously worked for A National Voice. Clare will develop our work with young people leaving care and young care leavers aged 18 and over. Finally, Darren Coyne joins us as Networking Project Worker. Darren has extensive experience within community development work focussing on increasing the participation of various communities in society. In particular, he has worked on various projects with young people. Darren will focus on developing our local networks of care leavers, including our ‘Keep In Touch’ events. More information about the projects that both of them will be working on will be available shortly on the web site. Your first chance to meet all three new workers will be at the National Gathering and Annual General Meeting in London on 13th of November (details of which are available elsewhere on this page).