The Care Leavers Association National Gathering and AGM will take place on 30th March 2019 at The Friends Meeting House Manchester.
Join us from 1:30 for some lunch with proceedings starting at 2. This year the theme is Building Connections: Reducing Loneliness. Our key note speaker is Ian Dickson. Care leaver, retired residential care manager and Ofsted inspector, many of you will know Ian from his tireless campaigning to improve outcomes for care leavers. Ian is an inspiring person and speaker. Come and be uplifted and energised by what he has to say.
We will be having an open discussion to talk about connections and loneliness. If you would like a 10 minute slot to talk contact info@careleavers,com
It really is a great way to meet other care leavers.
We are seeking new trustees to be elected to the board at the AGM. If you are interested in becoming a trustee please contact for more information.