I’d always assumed I’d go to university, but the reality of independent living combined with studying was harder than I’d anticipated. So after 1 year in the sixth form I packed up to go abroad for 6 months.

It was a few years later that I returned to education, and was looking for a part time course after having my son. This started me on the path to training as a counsellor.

I really enjoyed this course and then after working for a few years within the counselling field looked into doing some further study: but soon realised the motivation to do any further therapeutic based training had long gone.

So I investigated courses on offer at the local university and chose one which sounded fun!

Here I am now coming to the end of the first year of a Theatre degree as a ‘mature’ student.

I’d highly recommend education as a way of learning more about yourself, and of widening choices. For me, achieving in education has enhanced my self esteem greatly, and I believe this may be one of the greatest benefits, particularly for care experienced people.