The CLA has received funding this year to run a project with young people in care and young care leavers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds. The project will include an event in central Manchester on 2 June 2010, which will allow young people to speak about the issues that are important to them and express their opinions about the changes they think should be made. Following the event, there will be a report of the young people’s views. We also hope to get a group of young people together to take part in 3-4 follow-up sessions to take forward issues raised by young people during the day.

We want young people in care and young care leavers from BAME backgrounds to be at the centre of this project, right through from planning, to the actual event, to the follow-up sessions.

This project will be a really exciting opportunity for young people to speak out about the issues that matter to them. We hope to have a lot of interactive elements to the event in June, including a video booth, multi-media station and information hub. There are also opportunities for young people to get involved in photographing the event and recording people’s thoughts throughout the day.

Download a Booking Form and register your place now.

You can follow this project on Twitter:

Join our Facebook Group: CLA Speaking Out on Facebook

It is, of course, free for young people to attend and lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

If you are between 15-25, have spent time in care and regard yourself as from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic* background and you would like to get involved, please contact Victoria Hull at or on 0161 236 1980.

There will be spaces for professionals and people working with looked after children and care leavers from BME backgrounds. These spaces are limited because our main aim is to have this as an event for young people. If you would like more information, please contact Victoria Hull on the contact details above.

*Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) for the purpose of this project refers to people from communities in the UK who may be disadvantaged because of skin colour, ethnicity, race, language, culture or religion.