Advice/Information & Signposting

A large part of our work involves providing advice to care leavers and directing them to services that can help them. We are often contacted by young people from care, or who have just left care, who want to know about their entitlements or to get advice on certain issues, such as housing, education and employment etc.

If you have a query about leaving care, please contact us: 0845 308 2755 or 0161 236 1980 or email:

Presentations/Conferences & Training

Over the past couple of years, the CLA has been developing its work to reach out to social workers, students, foster carers, policy makers and other professionals working in this area, through delivering presentations and training on leaving care issues. In 2009, we have delivered training to the Scottish Institute of Residential Childcare (SIRCC) and the Post Care Forum.During 2008, we spoke at the Social Policy Association conference, the Pure Innovations conference during National Care Leavers’ Week and the Community Care conference on Care Matters, as well as the BAAF conference on Access to Records. We also delivered training sessions to Pure Innovations, the Leaving Care Company and delivered a presentation to social work students at Bradford University. During these sessions we use the opinions and experiences of care leavers to influence current and future leaving care practices.

Legal Entitlements of Care Leavers

During 2009, the CLA will be developing a leaving care guide written solely by care leavers. This will combine practical advice with hints, tips and anecdotes from care leavers who have been through the transition from care to independence.

In 2006 the CLA worked alongside the Children’s Rights Director and other statutory and voluntary groups, to produce a guide to the things that young people are entitled to by law when they leave care. The final ‘Starter for Ten’ guide was launched at the All Parliamentary Group for Children in and Leaving Care on 14th June 2006. You can access the guide and a list of the organisations that were involved in its production, by clicking here.

Warwickshire Meeting

In February 2006, our National Development Worker, Victoria Hull, Stephen Morris, Access to Records Representative and another CLA member met with members of the Warwickshire leaving care group, which is made up of young people aged between 16 and 22. The CLA was invited by the young people to speak to them about the work of the CLA and to give them the experiences pf people who had left care in the 50s 60s and 70s. They wanted to see how current issues compared with those that older care leavers had experienced.

It was a very positive meeting for both sides. The Warwickshire group highlighted some of the main issues for young people who have recently left care, and for those who are currently in the process of leaving care. They also discussed the work that they had been involved in, particularly an awards ceremony that had been held for young people in care in the area. Victoria gave a history of the CLA and spoke about our current activities, then the other CLA members discussed their own care experiences with the group. From the discussion, it was obvious that there had been improvements made in leaving care services. However, the young people still faced difficulties, such as finding an appropriate place to live and gaining access to education.

If you are involved with leaving care groups and would like us to come and speak to you, please contact us:

0845 308 2755

0161 236 1980