This section of our website is dedicated to addressing the issue of abuse within the care system. Whilst we know that there are many hard-working, dedicated professionals and carers working in the child care system, we also know that there are many cases of children, past and present, being abused in care.

While many of our members were lucky enough to experience good care, many of us also experienced abuse in the care system. Much of it went unreported. We want to work on behalf of those who experienced abuse in the past and to help to prevent abuse in the future. We also want to support those dedicated and courageous young people and professionals who continue to uncover abuse that continues today.

At our Annual General Meeting in September of 2006, we decided to make the abuse issue one of our priorities for the coming year. If you are a care leaver who wants to help us with this, then do get involved. If you are a worker in this field who is concerned about this issue, then we welcome your support.